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High-quality clamping fittings

High-quality clamping fittings

The quality of the clamping fittings determines the reliability of overhead transmission lines based on self-supporting insulated wires. Anchor wedge clamps are used when installing power lines designed to fasten and hold a circular cross-section independent, self-supporting wire in a taut state.
The H3 clamp includes:
A frost-proof plastic housing.
Synthetic wedges.
A hinge made of galvanized steel.
The UV-stabilized, high-strength plastic ensures a secure attachment in all conditions.

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Anchor clamps for aerial networks

Anchor clamps for aerial networks

Anchor-type tensioning clamp H3 is designed for fixing and holding in tension optical cables of round cross-section with diameter of 4-6 mm, type "8" ropes on steel wire or rope. The main application of the clamp is the construction of communication lines on the poles of lighting and power transmission with a distance between the rods up to 50 m. Manufactured from strong plastic, stable to UV radiation and temperature fluctuations. Mounting hinge with zinc-plated steel wire Ø5 mm can be removed if necessary, which provides additional ease of installation. Movable wedges of the clamp are protected from arbitrary falling out by a unique locking device.

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Stages of power line construction

Stages of power line construction

The construction of power lines includes: route development, design, approval of the prepared project, surveying work, installation.
Based on the design documents, all power line construction stages are carried out. Development of the route:
  • First of all, the location is determined and coordinated, taking into account specific rules:
  • The future power line should have minimized contact with railroad tracks and highways;
  • Reduce the area of sidewalks and bicycle paths near power lines;
  • The length of the transmission line shall be selected using the shortest distance method between the start and endpoint

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Applications and advantages of anchor clamps

Applications and advantages of anchor clamps

Anchor clamps are always required to install the overhead line, designed to keep the overhead line taut. The regulatory distance to the nearest tower must not exceed 50 m, but it is all individual, as the weight load depends on the cross-section to be connected. It is installed with a bracket or other anchoring directly on the pole or on the facade of the building.
The anchor clamp is the main element of line fittings for all types of self-supporting insulated wires.
The anchoring device aims to create an optimum slip-free strain on the LV-ABC cable, secure it, and prevent it from sagging under the pressure of wind or gravity and longitudinal loads in cases of icing.

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Tensioning clamps for fiber optic cables

Tensioning clamps for fiber optic cables

Anchor stretching clamps are special fastening elements for the reliable fixation of optical cables of various types on poles. The anchoring constructions do not require any special skills for installation, are used without any restrictions, and allow for completing the cable installation in a short time.
Area of application of anchor clamps
The main application of anchor clamps is the construction of communication lines on the poles of lighting and electricity transmission with a distance of up to 100m between the bars.

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