OKVr Rizer distribution fiber optic cable for vertical installation
OKVr Rizer distribution fiber optic cable for vertical installation
US Communication Service

OKVr Rizer distribution fiber optic cable for vertical installation

Precio Regular $0.00

OKVr Rizer distribution fiber optic cable for vertical installation


Used in local networks for connecting communication equipment with a trunk cable. Installation is possible in vertical pipelines, vertical shafts and inside buildings within short distances in protective polyethylene pipes.

Cable design:

OKVr Rizer distribution fiber optic cable for vertical installation

1. Optical fibers acc. ITU-T G.652 D / G.657A1.
2. Strength member : two fiber reinforced plastics placed longitudinally.
3. Outer sheath – LSZH compound.

Design Versions:

1. Multimode Fibers acc. ITU-T G.651.1; IEC 60793-2-10.


IEC 60304 IEC 60793-2-50 IEC 60794-2-20
IEC 60793-1-2 IEC60794-2 IEC 60794-3-10
IЕС60794-1-2 IEC 60794-3-20 IEC 60793-2
IEC 60793-2 IEC 60794-3 IEC 60794-3
IEC 60793-2-10 IEC 60794-2-10

Main technical and operational characteristics:

Attenuation at reference wavelength,
dB/km: - 1310nm/1550 nm
Chromatic dispersion at reference wavelength,
ps/(nm*km): - 1310 nm/1550 nm
Тип ОВ ITU-T G.657; ITU-T G.652 D
Minimum bending radius, mm not less than 20 nominal cable diameters
Permissible crushing force, N/100 mm 1000
Tensile strength, kN 0,3; 0,4; 0,5; 0,6; 0,8; 1,0; 1,2
Temperature range, ‘C 0 °С - +60 °С

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