Varieties and characteristics of anchor clamps

Anchor clamps for optical cable are made of durable materials: high-quality, non-corrosive steel, high-tech, extra strong aluminum alloy and high-strength polymer that is not affected by ultraviolet radiation. Compared to metal clamps, they are more reliable because they do not unbend during use. They are suitable for use in different climates, down to -52 degrees.

The main characteristic of tensioners is reliability, which depends on the working load. Clips for cables, by the type of the latter, are divided into: flat; "8-type"; round. Each type of clamp is suitable for a certain type of cable, but there is always a good margin of mounting dimensions and strength, so you can work in different places and with a wide range of cables with different specific gravity.

Each type of clamp is suitable for a certain type of cable, but there is always a good margin of mounting dimensions and strength, so you can work in different places and with a wide range of cables with different specific gravity.

One of the most reliable and demanded clamps is considered a wedge type tension clamp H6 anchor clamp.
The clamp is made of ultraviolet-resistant polymers of high strength, hence such a wide range of operating temperatures from -40 to +50 ° C. The load that the clamp can withstand becomes 0.5 kN.
The design of this clamp makes it possible to use it with both “8” type attachments and round cables, self-supporting aerial cables, and suspension cables.
Thanks to a simple design installation of a clamp it does not cause special problems and can be easily applied to the construction of air communication lines on lighting and other support, with a maximum span of 70 m. The cost of the clamp significantly reduces the cost of building the line. Elongated wedges allow you to securely mount the cable.

Pros of clamps:

- speed and ease of installation;

- safety (the risk of injury during installation is minimal);

- reliability;

- quality (clamp type H3D is resistant to stress, tension and heat).

The installer will be able to easily cope with the attachment of this clamp to the cable without using tools. Even a beginner can cope with this task without preparation.

On our website you can find a huge selection of different clamps for all types of cables. If you would like to purchase a quality product for power line laying, just contact us. We will give you comprehensive information about our products and help you choose a clamp.

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