The choice of twisted pair: tips and tricks

Wireless technologies are developing rapidly, but companies that provide Internet access for private subscribers and various enterprises are still actively using cable data lines. They are reliable, protected from interference and distortion, are relatively inexpensive. On their basis, large-scale computer networks are organized with full access control.

However, installing electrical cables only seems simple. In fact, the choice of the right twisted pair cable is a task that causes difficulties even for specialists with many years of experience in laying information networks.

Twisted pair cables
If you save on the organization of a large-scale computer network, it will not work uninterruptedly, which means that users will not be able to have a stable connection and access the global network around the clock. Today, equipment that operates at a speed of a thousand megabits per second, has begun to gradually displace devices operating at a speed of 100 Mbps. Therefore, when organizing structured cable networks (SCS), you should remember about laying the margin of safety.

Important factors when buying twisted pairs
When acquiring a twisted pair cable, you should proceed from:

  • cable routing conditions. They can be negatively affected by the effects of nature, electromagnetic radiation, rodents and other factors;
  • data transfer rates. If the company plans to move to a speed of 1 gigabyte per second, it is advisable to buy a twisted cable pair with the so-called margin of safety;
  • line lengths. The longer the cable line, the higher the quality requirements for the twisted pair cable.

Naturally, when choosing such products, you must rely on the budget allocated for laying the network.

Parameters of twisted pairs for the installation of communication systems. During the organization of SCS, several parameters of a twisted pair cable should be considered.

First of all, the product category is important, which determines how often the signal will be transmitted. The speed and quality of the transmitted information directly depends on this parameter. For example, Category 5E provides data rates of up to 1 Gigabit per second. Twisted pairs 6 and 6E (up to 10 Gbit / s) are characterized by a higher speed.

The material of manufacture. There are copper and copper-plated twisted pairs on sale. Cables with copper conductors are distinguished by higher passability, but their price is higher. Copper-bonded conductors are made for the so-called “skin effect”: a greater percentage of electric current is transmitted along the surface layer of the cable. They cost less.

Copper wires for cable
If it is necessary to lay the cable near electric power lines, powerful sources of electrical radiation, devices that create strong interference, it is advisable to use shielded twisted pairs. They differ in marking:

  • FTP - such products are distinguished by the presence of an external screen made of foil for all pairs in the cable;
  • STP - each pair is shielded here;
  • S/FTP - in such cables, each pair is shielded with foil, the screens are supplemented with a copper braid for the entire product;
  • SF/UTP - different double foil braid, as well as copper.

Features of choosing a quality twisted pair
The choice of a really high-quality twisted pair cable depends not only on environmental conditions, but also on the parameters of the terrain where the cable will be laid. When choosing it, it is advisable to pay attention to the advice and recommendations from professionals.

The product must have the appropriate certificate of international quality - it is not worth saving on the purchase, otherwise you will have to spend money on the purchase of better products later on.

Of primary importance is the material from which the cores are made - if you heat them with an ordinary lighter, you can see a small droplet without deformation at the end of the cable from copper, and the cores with copper-clad aluminum are deformed after exposure to direct fire.

Carefully inspect and feel the insulating material - uniformity, smoothness, the absence of any defects indicate a high-quality wire.

In addition, professionals at the time of purchase of such cables use a micrometer to measure the thickness, despite the fact that it should be indicated in the marking.

If you select a poor-quality core, the signal will constantly disappear, the network will become unstable, which will lead to constant complaints by users. When the wires are thinner than standard, there is no contact in the network connector. In case of poor insulation, the core will quickly crumble under the influence of natural factors. In addition, insulation is important when the cable is laid indoors: it must be reliably protected from damage.

Tasks for which twisted pair is used
The choice of twisted pair also depends on the purpose for which it is used. Most often, office and home SCS are organized using UTP cables. With their help, you can lay larger networks. Today no video surveillance system can do without twisted pairs. Shielded cables are used for their organization.

Ethernet cables twisted pair
Regardless of the purpose for which such products are purchased, they must comply with international quality standards, be equipped with a certificate. This is the only way to be sure of their performance in each segment of a structured network.

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