OKL ADSS fiber optic cable suspension self-supporting aerial cable
OKL ADSS fiber optic cable suspension self-supporting aerial cable
US Communication Service

OKL ADSS fiber optic cable suspension self-supporting aerial cable

Regular price $0.25
Module construction

OKL ADSS fiber optic cable suspension aerial cable


Cable is designed for application and operation on overhead utility and power lines under the impact of strong winds and ice-loading or their combinations. When electric field potential exceeds 12kV an antitracking polyethylene in sheath should be used.

Cable design:

OKL ADSS fiber optic cable suspension aerial cable

1. Optical fibers acc. ITU-T G.652 D / G.657A1.
2. Loose Tubes – PBT (polybutylene terephthalate).
3. Core filling – thixotropic gel.
4. Fastening winding of yarns and tapes.
5. Central strength member (fiber reinforced plastic).
6. Fillers (if applicable).
7. Inner sheath – polyethylene (HDPE).
8. Peripheral strength members - aramid yarns.
9. Outer sheath – polyethylene (HDPE).

Design versions:

1. Waterblocking tapes and yarns (“dry” core)
2. Multimode Fibers ITU-T G.651.1; IEC 60793-2-10.
3. Outer sheath: antitracking polyethylene.


IEC 60189-1 IEC 60304 IEC 60332-1-2 IEC 60332-3-22
IEC 60793-1-1 IEC60793-1-4 IEC 60793-2 IEC 60793-2-10
IEC 60793-2-50 IEC 60794-1-1 IEC 60793-1-2 IEC 60794-3
IEC 60794-3-10 IEC 60794-3-20 IEC 60794-3-30 IEC 60811-1-1
IEC 60825-3-1 IEC 61034-2

Main technical and operational characteristics:

Attenuation at reference wavelength,
dB/km: -1310nm/1550 nm
Chromatic dispersion at reference wavelength,
ps/(nm*km): - 1310 nm/1550 nm
Minimum bending radius, mm not less than 20 nominal cable diameters
Permissible crushing force, N/100 mm 3000
Tensile strength, kN 7,0; 10,0 и 15,0
Temperature range, ‘C -40 °С - +60 °С

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